Distribution & Wholesale

As a distributor, we provide attractive global products online and offline with our exclusive supply chain.
Especially business interaction with offline channels in Japan is very harder than with online channels because of their complex structure and business custom. That’s why we are helping Manufacturers and Brand owners enter the Japanese market without these difficulties. Also, we consider more appropriate channels based on brand identity and concept.
Owned EC Store Management

時代の変化に伴ってテレワークや在宅勤務といった新たな働き方に合わせ、心地よくそして効率よく働くために役立つアイテムを海外から厳選し、国内のユーザーに提供するセレクトショップ(newave:Create a new Workspace)を運営しています。
We have our own select shop, newave : Create a new Workspace, providing creative gadgets and workspace items from all over the world. Currently, the store is under preparation, scheduled to be opened around May 2023.

新しいマーケットへの進入はリスクとコストのかかる冒険であります。HIGHER DAYSでは、クラウドファンディングを活用することで初期進入時のリスクを抑えながらも、製品のプロモーションや潜在顧客、製品に対するフィードバックなどを得て効果的にローンチさせています。もちろんクラウドファンディング完了後には日本市場で定着できるよう、B2BとB2C販売にも繋げていきます。
Entering a new market is quite an expensive venture, however by using crowdfunding, we can lower the risk and obtain the promotional effect at the same time. That is why we use crowdfunding campaigns as the 1st phase for successful market-in.
And of course, we will connect your product to the B2B and B2C sales in the Japanese market as well after crowdfunding.
Platform Partners